lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019



People are talking a lot about corruption of late. A bribe or an illegal payment to an official is a very well-known act of corruption.  The worst thing about this is that many people see this as normal. Ana Liza, a very bright girl.
This time she's going to analyze organized crime and corruption: two sides of the same coin.  We come across corruption at every step in our day-to-day lives, in minor matters which seem unimportant or in big businesses where a lot of money is at stake.  
In all these cases corruption involves breaking the law and violating ethics for personal gain.  Often, though not always, corruption involves money in exchange for favors.
Both the person who gives money and the one who receives it are corrupt.  
When this situation becomes common in society, this forms chains of corruption that are very difficult to combat.
 In Peru today, mafias in drug trafficking, illegal logging and gold mining have helped create major networks of corruption to protect their operations and facilitate money laundering.  According to a financial intelligence unit, these three mafias laundered over 1 billion soles in 2015, enough to get fed 3 million children in state schools for a year.  
With so much illegally generated cash the networks of corruption that exists in this society become highly useful for organized crime as they serve as a shield to protect their earnings.
But a corruption network wouldn't be complete without corrupt politicians, who are prepared to defend mafias.
The appearance of dirty money in campaigns corrupts political parties’ leaders and candidates lacking ethics in order to derail investigations and protect illegal businesses once they have been elected.

So, if you want to do things right, before voting for someone, find out who the candidates are and where their campaign financing comes from. Don't let them get away with it.